Brand Challenge – Reinventing a Romanian agricultural brand
For a brand to naturally integrate a tactical and long-term communication plan, it takes a lot of planning, smart resources, people to synchronize your watches with, like James Bond, and a production team that you can rely on. This was the step that the company Agro-Est Muntenia, a distributor of agricultural inputs, took together with the agency We Are Younger (WAY). It all began in 2021, as Agro-Est Muntenia became part of the AEM Holding group, an investment fund in agriculture.
Rebranding and graphics were just a part of the project, but our real mission was to highlighting the healthy values on which this company build in its 12 years of experience. Agro-Est has become visible in the agri-food sector in Romania. Thus, “The Promise of Tomorrow” communication pillar was born. A complex, resource-intensive approach focused on 2 distinct communication pillars:
1. A Brand Manifesto with a very strong Employer Branding component addressed to potential and future employees;
2. A presentation of the diversified selection of products, a tactical pillar through which they insisted on a reinvention and an emphasis on the value of the company’s portfolio.
May 17, 2023